Japanese martial arts

History of Japan is full of proud and powerful people with unique ways of living and unsure peace after the war. The concept of martial heroism was the vital for this country. It was a kind of fight in which people of Japan got indulged to show their anger to protect themselves as well as for notion of duty and personal development. Japanese martial arts get styled from this militaristic and spiritual foundation and there are groups of people involved in it.

There are two types of martial arts in the history of Japan. Koryu Bujutsu (bujutsu) is a traditional fighting styles and it includes realistic use of martial strategies and techniques in real battle. And the second is Gendai Budo which is more modern style and it includes all kind of applications such as spiritual, physical and moral magnitudes for improvement and personal growth. This division between martial styles accord in 1868 after the Meiji restoration with the restoration of emperor for political use and Japan started its modernization rapidly.

Before the restoration the koryu styles was focused on practical feuds. I was important for samurai or warrior to be masters in all kind of fights armed and all others. It changed with the change in weapons and technology, but the reason was the same of them and they were success in on real battle field for their owner and for their monarch.

When things changed and lot of varieties of firearms got launched the old way of fight get outdated and were not good enough for military purposes. That was the time when the other kind of this art got known to people which we know as Gendai Budo. The focus of this type was more on the development and growth of personalities and less on military uses. This proves to be more satisfactory for military uses because it teached to person who to keep calm and use more brain than physical power.

Sumo is the oldest style of this arty. It was given the name after the emperor called shumo tenno. This art was actually famous by the ruler in 728 AD but its origins are way back in 23 AD. First sumo which was seen by the ruler and it continued till the time when one of the fighters was unable to fight any longer. It became an annual festival and it spread throughout the Japan and included in the military. In 17th century it becomes a sport for people of all class.

Jujutsu was actually translated as soft skills because there was no direct power to be used. In this style they used joint forces to overthrow the competitors for victory. Fighter used forces on parts where their rivals are more weaker to defeat them. They also used small weapons such as daggers, weighted chains and hamlets. Jujutsu has wide Variety of styles including judo, aikido and karate.